A two-minute ad for Snickers by Clemenger BBDO Melbourne has won the gold Siren award for best radio ad of the year. Download Here!
Now let’s remember, that this is a radio ad. It is a step up from the normal ads that usually start along the lines of, “thinking of Venetian blinds…”
I must confess that I think this Ad is pretty ordinary. Listening to it, I was actually trying to pay attention to the ad (as opposed to having it forced on me on the radio when I am driving) and I was still struggling to really understand what it was all about. It didn’t make me want a snickers, like snickers or laugh out loud.
Let’s assume that it was funny and clever. Does this translate to more Snickers sales or increased brand value? I doubt it in this case. A friend of mine, who is a copy writer for a Melbourne based ad agency, told me recently that he thinks not even half of the "creative’s" would ever care to understand what impact the Ad that they create for their clients would have on sales for their clients brand. All that the "creative’s" are focused on, is making a clever humorous Ad that wins them and their agency an industry award.
So Ad agencies, with their priorities skewed towards their reputation, and intra-industry masturbations, are probably the last people that you should be asking to create your business’s ad campaigns. Then who should? You and your customers! Listen to them. Create ways for them to be able to easily communicate to you about what they want to hear from your brand and what they find valuable about your brand / product / service.