Mid last year, Taco Bell released its "Fourth Meal" campaign with a series of changes geared toward late-night eater. In order to accommodate these changes, Taco Bell has extended the hours of its restaurants nationwide until 1 am and is promoting the “Fourth Meal”.
Now I am all for campaigns designed purely to attract attention (hey I am writing about this 1 year later – and now I know if I ever need a late-nite snack Taco Bell is always open), but the Fourth Meal. Really? Does this come across just a little manipulative and cynical, considering its aimed at a generation renowned for its cynicism and avoidance of marketing messages?
Well good luck to the Taco Bell marketing department in its attempts to alter hundreds of years of CRAZY human “3 meals-a-day” eating habits that have seemed to serve our civilisation well. CHAMPAGNE MARKETING!
(oh, and the site...gives me navigation indigestion).